Personal information
Name:                              Dr. rer. nat. Witting, Michael Anton
Nationality:                       German
Day and Place of Birth:    06.05.1986, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria Germany
Family Status:                  married
ORCID:                            0000-0002-1462-4426
Current Positions
since 06/2024:                         
"Privatdozent" at the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry, TUM School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany
- supervision of bachelor, master, and PhD students
- teaching at the TUM School of Life Sciences
since 01/2021:
Deputy Head of Metabolomics and Proteomics Core and Executive Manager Metabolomics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
since 01/2016:
Freelance Lecturer for LifeScience-Akademie Bichlmeier, Munich, Germany
- seminars on mass spectrometry, LC-MS method development
- in-house teaching for pharmaceutical companies
Previous Positions
11/2015 – 10/2023:
“Habilitand” at the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry, TUM School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany
- research on methods for metabolomic analysis from limited sample amount
- development of data analytical strategies for metabolite identification and data interpretation
- supervision of bachelor, master, and PhD students
- teaching at the TUM School of Life Sciences
11/2015 – 12/2020:
Scientist at the Research Unit Analytical BioGeoChemistry, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany
- responsible for (U)HPLC-MS method development and instrumentation and C. elegans cultivation
- training and supervision of guests and collaboration partners
12/2012 – 10/2015:
Postdoctoral fellow at the Research Unit Analytical BioGeoChemistry, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany
12/2009 – 11/2012:
PhD student at the Research Unit Analytical BioGeoChemistry, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany
12/2009 – 11/2012:
Scientific Assistant at the Chair of genome-oriented Bioinformatics, TUM School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany
12/2009 – 11/2012:
Doctoral thesis at the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry, TUM School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, topic: “Host-pathogen metabolomics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection models”, grade: summa cum laude, date of diploma 19th of April 2013
05/2009 – 10/2009:
Diploma thesis at the Laboratory for Bioanalytical Chemistry, Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg Germany, topic: “Bioanalytischer Nachweis von Histamin in biologischen Matries” (engl. Bioanalytical Detection of Histamine in Biological Matrices), grade: 1.0
10/2005 – 10/2009:
Studies of Applied Chemistry with functional direction Biochemistry, Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg Germany, Final grade: 1.4
Awards and Prizes
Powerlist 2018: Top 40 under 40 young scientists in analytical science
12/2017 – 11/2019:
Add-On Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Science der Joachim Herz Stiftung
Finalist Bioanalysis New Investigator Award 2017
01/2016 – 12/2018:
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program II (2016-2018) for highly talented early career scientists (HMGU PFP), Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany
Professional Involvement
From 10/2020:
Member Board of Directors, Metabolomics Society
Organization of 7th Munich Metabolomics Meeting with Prof. Dr. Jerzy Adamski, Dr. Karin Kleigrewe and biocrates ag
Member of Scientific Advisory Board Non-Target Analysis for Comprehensive Environmental Assessment 2020, Durham, USA (postponed to 05/2021 due to COVID-19 Pandemic)
Peer Review and Editorial Work
Special Issue Guest Editor in collaboration with Prof. Horst-Joachim Schirra, Caenorhabditis elegans Applied to Metabolism Research, MDPI Metabolites
11/2017 – 06/2018:
Research Topic Editor in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Frank Schroeder and Prof. Dr. Arthur Edison, “Caenorhabditis elegans – Developing a Model Organism for Metabolomics, Lipidomics, and Glycomics”, Frontiers in Molecular Biology
01/2016 – 12/2017:
Special Issue Guest Editor in collaboration with Dr. Christophe Junot, “Identification of molecules from non-targeted analysis”, Journal of Chromatography B
since 01/2013:
Reviewer for different journals, e.g. Journal of Chromatography A, Journal of Chromatography B, Analytical Chemistry, Electrophoresis, Metabolites, etc.
Professional Memberships
since 2015:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, incl. „Fachgruppe LC-MS“, Bremen, Germany
since 2013:
Metabolomics Society, incl. Computational Mass Spectrometry Task Group, USA
since 2010:
Gesellschaft deutscher Chemiker (GdCh), incl. „Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie“ and „Arbeitskreis Separation Science“, Frankfurt am Main
Further Education - Project Management and Leadership Skills
Networking and Negotiating Skills (organized by HMGU PFP)
Time and Self-Management and Work Organization (organized by HMGU PFP)
Developing a career and personal research strategy (organized by HMGU PFP)
Team and Conflict Management (organized by HMGU PFP)
Bilateral Leadership (organized by HMGU PFP)
Further Education - Didactic Education
09/2016 – 05/2018:
“ProLehre Intensiv 2016” (organized by TUM ProLehre)
 “Grundlagen professioneller Hochschullehre” (organized by TUM ProLehre)
“Student-Centered Learning als Antwort auf die Heterogenität Studierender?” (organized by LMU Profil)
“Lehren im Labor” (organized by TUM ProLehre)
“Rhetorik und Präsentation” (organized by LMU Profil)
Further Education - Others
Self-positioning and Systematic Career Development (organized by HMGU)
Proposal Writing: Your Way to Successful Research Grant (organized by HMGU)
“Symposium Massenspektrometrie – Perspektiven der LC-MS im Zeitalter der personalisierten Medizin” (organized by Bayerische Landesärztekammer)
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